Athletic Directors Help Resources
Athletic Directors have access to manage their entire school on the TeamLinkt organization management platform.
Logging In To TeamLinkt (School Portal)
To log in to your school’s TeamLinkt account, you can either :
Visit directly & log in
Or visit the SSSAD website > Admin > Athletic Director Team Management

Team Creation
In order to ensure your teams schedules are all properly sync’d with the official SSSAD schedule, your teams will be created for you by SSSAD admins. From there, all you will need to do is assign the correct players to your teams. You can still create any more additional teams that you would like for your school, but your teams that need a schedule from SSSAD will be created for you. Pro Tip: If you do create your own teams, Do not add in your own email for each coach or a placeholder as an email, this will cause issues for you down the road!
Viewing Who Has Registered
Go to the Registrations tab
Click on the Participants Button
On the left side, apply any filters you’d like
From there, you can export information, message based off filtering options, assign players to teams, update participant’s information & more!
Assigning Players to Teams
Assigning players to rosters from a Registration form is the easiest way to set up your rosters for your teams. These are also the same rosters that will be used in the team management app! Simply click on the players you are looking to assign, select a team destination, then click assign.
Go to the Registrations tab
Click on the Participants Button
On the left side, apply any filters you’d like
Check off the box on the left side of the name(s) of people you want to assign to a team
Click on the ‘Actions’ button that will appear and click on ‘Assign to Team’
Select the team you are assigning the players to
Important Note on Adding Players to Teams
All rosters in the Team Management App must be set up through assigning players to teams from registratios. Coaches will not be able to add in players via the app. This is done to ensure each player has completed a registration form and given the necessary permissions, information and consent to participate.
Updating Info of Participant
Go to the Registrations tab
Click on the Participants Button
Search for the name of the participant you are looking to update information on
Click on their name or ‘Edit’ in the Actions column
Make your edit and click on the Save button at the bottom of the page
Communicating with Players & Parents (from the league tools)
To message teams directly:
From the teams Tab, click on Messaging
Click on New Email
Select your recipients, type your message and click send
These messages will include a push notification to the team management app, a message within the team management app and an email copy of the message. There’s also other messaging options outlined in the help video
Accessing TeamLinkt Support
Leagues, Associations & Schools have access to TeamLinkt customer support chat to solve any sort of techincal issues you may be experiencing, or to answer any questions you may have.