Features|Leagues & Associations
Maximize Value in Youth Sports Registration: Family and Earlybird Discounts
Created by
Tammi Maharaj
Jan 8, 2024
min read

Features|Leagues & Associations
Maximize Value in Youth Sports Registration: Family and Earlybird Discounts
Created by
Tammi Maharaj
Jan 8, 2024
min read

As a sports administrator, you know that youth sports can be expensive for families. Between registration fees, uniforms and equipment, the cost can quickly add up. However, your youth sports organization can offer family and/or earlybird discounts to not only retain current participants but also attract new ones. In this blog post, we will discuss how to maximize value in youth sports registration with family and earlybird discounts.
Family/Sibling Discounts
One discount that can be offered is a sibling discount, giving families a reduced registration fee for registering more than one child with your youth sports organization. This discount is a great option for families with multiple children who want to participate in sports. Accordingly, sibling discounts can range anywhere from 5% to 25% off the total registration fee, depending on the organization's regulations.
To maximize the potential of sibling discounts, it is important to advertise on your website, social media platforms and team management app. Moreover, your organization should make sure families are aware of the discount by providing clear instructions for how to register multiple children and receive the discount. This will encourage them to invite other family members to join and bring in more participants. By using TeamLinkt's all-in-one sports management platform, youth sports organizations can simplify the registration process and communication.
Here's how to add a family discount to your registration form with TeamLint:
To add a discount code to your registration form:
Go to the Registrations tab
Click 'New Registration' or Edit an existing one by clicking its name
Go to the Discounts Section on the left
Click Add Regular Discount or Add Family Discount in the upper right
Fill in the information for your discount code and press 'Save'
You will now see the discount code listed on your registration form, and you can now share this code and instruct people to use it if it applies. When filling out the form, they will be prompted to use the code under the Review Section before their payment.
Learn more about registration discounts HERE
Earlybird Discounts
Another discount that can be offered is an earlybird discount, lowering the registration fee for those who register before a specific date. Implementing an earlybird discount benefits youth sports organizations and the participants, by offering the organization a clear picture of how many participants are planning to enroll. It allows families to save money by registering early.

Earlybird discounts can range from 10% to 20% off the total registration fee, depending on the youth sports organization's regulations. Like sibling discounts, the earlybird discount needs to be advertised to attract more participants.
Here is how to add EarlyBird Registration with TeamLinkt:
Go to Registration
Edit an existing form or Create a new one
Go to the Fees section
Enter the Early bird / Late fees amount
Adding an Earlybird Discount:
To set an incentive for early registrants, you can adjust the amount to be subtracted from the price of regular fees. Simply enter the amount you want earlybird registrants to save and set a date for the earlybird offer to expire. The fees will not go below zero.

Offering discounts like like earlybird and family discounts will communicate that your youth sports organization is committed to not only building strong and fun community-based youth sports programs, but also supporting families' budgets as well. This reflects positively on your organization and encourages more parents and families to participate in your program, helping to increase your registration numbers.
Additionally, it's also a great idea to add the option of payment installments to your registration form.
Learn more here:
Why Using Payment Installments for Youth Sports Registration is a Good Idea | TeamLinkt,
Navigating Registration Fees: Ensuring Affordability and Accessibility
Offering discounts and special packages to families helps reduce the expense of youth sports and promotes higher registration numbers. As a result, organizations can maximize value in youth sports registration with family and earlybird discounts. Specifically, this will allow more kids to participate, and building a stronger, more inclusive community-based sports program.
As a sports administrator, you know that youth sports can be expensive for families. Between registration fees, uniforms and equipment, the cost can quickly add up. However, your youth sports organization can offer family and/or earlybird discounts to not only retain current participants but also attract new ones. In this blog post, we will discuss how to maximize value in youth sports registration with family and earlybird discounts.
Family/Sibling Discounts
One discount that can be offered is a sibling discount, giving families a reduced registration fee for registering more than one child with your youth sports organization. This discount is a great option for families with multiple children who want to participate in sports. Accordingly, sibling discounts can range anywhere from 5% to 25% off the total registration fee, depending on the organization's regulations.
To maximize the potential of sibling discounts, it is important to advertise on your website, social media platforms and team management app. Moreover, your organization should make sure families are aware of the discount by providing clear instructions for how to register multiple children and receive the discount. This will encourage them to invite other family members to join and bring in more participants. By using TeamLinkt's all-in-one sports management platform, youth sports organizations can simplify the registration process and communication.
Here's how to add a family discount to your registration form with TeamLint:
To add a discount code to your registration form:
Go to the Registrations tab
Click 'New Registration' or Edit an existing one by clicking its name
Go to the Discounts Section on the left
Click Add Regular Discount or Add Family Discount in the upper right
Fill in the information for your discount code and press 'Save'
You will now see the discount code listed on your registration form, and you can now share this code and instruct people to use it if it applies. When filling out the form, they will be prompted to use the code under the Review Section before their payment.
Learn more about registration discounts HERE
Earlybird Discounts
Another discount that can be offered is an earlybird discount, lowering the registration fee for those who register before a specific date. Implementing an earlybird discount benefits youth sports organizations and the participants, by offering the organization a clear picture of how many participants are planning to enroll. It allows families to save money by registering early.

Earlybird discounts can range from 10% to 20% off the total registration fee, depending on the youth sports organization's regulations. Like sibling discounts, the earlybird discount needs to be advertised to attract more participants.
Here is how to add EarlyBird Registration with TeamLinkt:
Go to Registration
Edit an existing form or Create a new one
Go to the Fees section
Enter the Early bird / Late fees amount
Adding an Earlybird Discount:
To set an incentive for early registrants, you can adjust the amount to be subtracted from the price of regular fees. Simply enter the amount you want earlybird registrants to save and set a date for the earlybird offer to expire. The fees will not go below zero.

Offering discounts like like earlybird and family discounts will communicate that your youth sports organization is committed to not only building strong and fun community-based youth sports programs, but also supporting families' budgets as well. This reflects positively on your organization and encourages more parents and families to participate in your program, helping to increase your registration numbers.
Additionally, it's also a great idea to add the option of payment installments to your registration form.
Learn more here:
Why Using Payment Installments for Youth Sports Registration is a Good Idea | TeamLinkt,
Navigating Registration Fees: Ensuring Affordability and Accessibility
Offering discounts and special packages to families helps reduce the expense of youth sports and promotes higher registration numbers. As a result, organizations can maximize value in youth sports registration with family and earlybird discounts. Specifically, this will allow more kids to participate, and building a stronger, more inclusive community-based sports program.
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