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How Online Registration Can Save Your Sports League Registrar Time

How Online Registration Can Save Your Sports League Registrar Time

Feb 9, 2021

How Online Registration Can Save Your Sports League Registrar Time

It is common for kids to participate in organized sports outside of a school setting. Accordingly, it is important to take into consideration the behind the scenes work that must take place to operate sports organizations. Specifically, the role of a league registrar. This person is tasked with collecting and managing player information throughout the season. The sports league registrar may face many challenges such as: effectively registering kids into the league while tracking finances, organizing teams, and fulfilling coaching requests.

In the past the only way for leagues to accept registrations was through paper forms, where parents would fill in all the relevant information about their children. Then attach a check or cash, and mail it to or drop it off with the organization. The introduction of online registration software is mitigating this tedious process. 

Save Time and Paper with Online Sports League Registration

An average youth sports league varies from about 500 or 1,000 athletes. For organizations using paper registrations, this translates into a large amount of work for registrars. Sports registration software removes this paperwork. All player information is instantly available to registrars in an easy-to-manage upon entry. 

Electronic Payments

Taking cheques and cash received from parents to the bank takes time for league registrars. In addition, holding onto that much money can be a stressful situation. A credit card payment option eliminates this hassle and automatically delivers fees into the league’s accounts. 

Registrars Role in Sports Team Formation

Registrars might be tasked with organizing teams and errors can easily be made, particularly with special requests from parents. This can be accomplished in a few minutes.

Try TeamLinkt today for an easy and free solution to association management! 

Read more below:

The Ultimate Guide to Running a Seamless Online Registration

Comparison of Online and Offline Payments for Youth Sports Organization Registration | TeamLinkt

Why Offer Online Credit Card Payments During Youth Sports Registration | TeamLinkt






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