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City of Kelowna - TeamLinkt Sports Management Case Study

City of Kelowna - TeamLinkt Sports Management Case Study

Apr 4, 2024

The City of Kelowna is committed to providing sports opportunities for all. This includes adults, through a multitude of leagues, programs and tournaments. As such, the City of Kelowna uses TeamLinkt sports management software (case study) to revolutionize the administration of sports leagues. Kelowna wanted to simplify score collection, provide additional value to their members and reduce administrative time needed to operate their leagues. These are the various reasons they implemented TeamLinkt.

  • 16K App Users

  • 1.7K Teams

  • 6.5K Games Scheduled

  • 490 Messages Sent

Time Saving Tools

The City of Kelowna has been able to save hundreds of hours each year from their previous rec sports league administrative method.

AI Powered Schedule Builder

The City of Kelowna was able to to quickly create schedules for each league through TeamLinkt’s AI Powered Schedule Builder. Previously, this took hours of time and frustration in manually scheduling each game.  Now, the City of Kelowna can simply select from a series of scheduling parameters and have the TeamLinkt AI Schedule Builder automatically create an optimized schedule. Additionally, it is complete with conflict identifications and more.  Scheduling a season, tournament or playoffs is simple and seamless.

 Score Submitting

After the completion of a game, teams were able to submit their score to the league. This was done with the click of a button through the TeamLinkt team management app. Once a score is submitted, this automatically updates the Scores on the website, and populates the standings. This eliminates the need for a team to manually provide their score to the league, as well as the league needing to manually recalculate the standings.

Before TeamLinkt, the City of Kelowna's admin staff was spending hours just logging game results from our score line voice messages to their league schedule results spreadsheet.

With automated score submissions, the City of Kelowna saves countless hours. As a result, they can now significantly improve the experience of adult rec and youth sports participants with real-time updates.


Through the messaging options available in the TeamLinkt sports team management app and TeamLinkt League Management Platform, the City of Kelowna was able to easily keep their teams, players and families in the loop the past two seasons.

Furthermore, these messages appear as notifications in the TeamLinkt app. New this season, every member playing sports with the City of Kelowna is registering using TeamLinkt. By doing this, the City ensures that every member’s information is collected and the necessary waivers needed to play are signed. This also allows the City to set up rosters more efficiently in the TeamLinkt team management app.

In addition, the TeamLinkt Sports Team App allows for coach to coach communications, enabling teams to reach one another for rescheduling and more.

"Before TeamLinkt, some days, the team at City of Kelowna could spend hours just logging game results from our score line voice messages to our league schedule results spreadsheet.

I’ve seen firsthand how TeamLinkt has transformed our adult sport league programming and support at the City of Kelowna over the past two years. This app has become our go-to for communication, scheduling, and ensuring all game scores are collected seamlessly, ultimately elevating the quality of our seasons and the enjoyment of our teams".

An Improved Experience for teams

Not only did administrators for the City of Kelowna’s sports leagues benefit, but each team and member enjoyed multiple enhancements to their season by the implementation of TeamLinkt.

League Website

Teams were able to view their standings, schedule and news on a newly designed website. This enhanced experience allowed teams to view their schedule and standings in real-time and ensure they always had the latest up-to-date information.

Sports Team Management App

The main benefit individual teams received was free access to the full-featured TeamLinkt team management app. Highlights for adult leagues include a team chat, team attendance tracking, schedules, fundraising tools, photo & video sharing, and more. Consequently, the app keeps the team organized, as well as in the loop with any of the latest updates from their league.

In addition, the app opened up a new channel of communication between team captains. This allowed teams to coordinate any details before their game if needed.

“It was a nice change to know who was going to show up to our soccer games. Having the schedule and attendance tracking was a great addition to our soccer team’s season.” Mark S Soccer Team Captain

Easy and Supported Implementation

It can be an intimidating task to implement a new system, like TeamLinkt. However, the City of Kelowna was able to seamlessly get set up. TeamLinkt is designed to be easy enough for someone with a non-technical background to be able to use. After a quick onboarding session with the TeamLinkt team, the city was able to get things set up for their first season. From there, schedules and teams are easy to clone. Consequentially, setting up for additional seasons was even easier. The city even had staff turnover in the past two seasons, and new staff was able to get acquainted with the system with little to no lead time.

TeamLinkt has also been available for the entire City of Kelowna team to use for email, chat, phone and video calls as needed.

In conclusion, the City of Kelowna uses TeamLinkt sports management software (case study) to revolutionize the administration of sports leagues. This is achieved by delivering efficiency, convenience, and enhanced experiences for both administrators and participants alike. TeamLinkt has simplified league operations while providing real-time communication channels. With significant time savings of a couple of hours per week, alongside AI-powered scheduling and streamlined score submission processes. Moreover, the seamless implementation and user-friendly features of TeamLinkt have ensured a smooth transition for the City of Kelowna. Thus, empowering staff to efficiently manage leagues and provide superior support to members, ultimately enhancing the overall sports experience within the community.






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