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TeamLinkt protects Local Sports Stores & Team Dealers from Amazon

TeamLinkt protects Local Sports Stores & Team Dealers from Amazon

Feb 16, 2019

Sports Team Management Apps are an essential tool for player and parent.  These apps enable teams to share schedules, automate reminders, set player availability, streamline communications… and really focus on the game.  Engagement in these apps are higher than many social media platforms – and targeted access and exposure to players and parents via these apps means big dollars.

TeamSnap, one of the recognized Sport Team Management Apps in North America – used by baseball, hockey, soccer and many other sports – has now leveraged their connection to millions of players and parents to drive equipment and apparel sales away from local retailers.

TeamSnap has partnered with Amazon and from their app’s dashboard, and within the TeamSnap ‘Emails’ to players and parents, TeamSnap is aggressively promoting local shoppers to “SKIP THE TRIP TO THE STORE AND GEAR UP VIA AMAZON”. For Local Stores and Team Dealers, this is yet another channel that’s pushing players and parents to Amazon.

At TeamLinkt, we recognize that it’s critical for Local Sporting Good Stores and Team Dealers to own this channel– and without it, companies like TeamSnap and Amazon will continue to chip away at these local relationships and equipment & apparel revenue streams.

Through our TeamLinkt Community Partner Program, Stores and Team Dealers license and provide a competing Team Management App (with many added features that teams love!) to teams in their community.  You sponsor the app for teams helping them save money on technology, build goodwill … and best of all, you’ll own this new marketing channel –exclusive advertising & a direct link to your store!

Take action today to protect your business from online giants!

Are your a Local Sports Store or Team Dealer?  Contact us today to set a demo:






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