Case Study: Sports Connection Source for Sports
Created by
Jay Maharaj
Feb 16, 2019
min read

Case Study: Sports Connection Source for Sports
Created by
Jay Maharaj
Feb 16, 2019
min read

Building customers loyalty, reaching new teams and players, and participating in the community are key ingredients to a successful sporting good store. Matt with Sports Connection Source for Sports in Medicine Hat, AB recently took advantage of the TeamLinkt Community Partner Program and is quickly seeing benefits in all three of these areas.
Through the TeamLinkt Partner Program, Matt is providing sports teams in his community with free access to the TeamLinkt Sports Team Management App. Teams in Medicine Hat can now take advantage of the TeamLinkt Pro Plan – at no cost to them. The app makes it easy for coaches, players & parents to stay organized and connected during the season, no matter the sport. Teams can share player rosters, schedules, availability, photos and more – and through the technology, teams have a better season – thanks to Matt.
In exchange for sponsorship, Matt receives exclusive ads in the app.
“We now have full access to these teams and parents – our target audience. The ability to put an ad right in front of them is a really low cost form of advertising for us and I know it’s hitting the right demographic for me” explained Matt.
“In just 3 weeks since joining the Community Partner Program, we’ve sponsored 40 teams and my ads have had over 75,000 views. Growing teams has been faster than expected,” says Matt. “We reached out to Minor Hockey who forwarded our sponsor code, we use Facebook, and we add the postcards you sent us into customers bags.”
Matt’s excited about how quickly teams are adopting the app and the feedback he’s getting.
“We have had a ton of positive feedback. I have had coaches and parents stop me in the rink and in my store to thank me for getting this setup.”
With teams now sharing the app with each other, and the Sports Connection Source for Sports teams’ continued messaging, Matt is expecting a lot more growth!
To learn more about our Community Partner Program, reach us at:
Video Overview:
Building customers loyalty, reaching new teams and players, and participating in the community are key ingredients to a successful sporting good store. Matt with Sports Connection Source for Sports in Medicine Hat, AB recently took advantage of the TeamLinkt Community Partner Program and is quickly seeing benefits in all three of these areas.
Through the TeamLinkt Partner Program, Matt is providing sports teams in his community with free access to the TeamLinkt Sports Team Management App. Teams in Medicine Hat can now take advantage of the TeamLinkt Pro Plan – at no cost to them. The app makes it easy for coaches, players & parents to stay organized and connected during the season, no matter the sport. Teams can share player rosters, schedules, availability, photos and more – and through the technology, teams have a better season – thanks to Matt.
In exchange for sponsorship, Matt receives exclusive ads in the app.
“We now have full access to these teams and parents – our target audience. The ability to put an ad right in front of them is a really low cost form of advertising for us and I know it’s hitting the right demographic for me” explained Matt.
“In just 3 weeks since joining the Community Partner Program, we’ve sponsored 40 teams and my ads have had over 75,000 views. Growing teams has been faster than expected,” says Matt. “We reached out to Minor Hockey who forwarded our sponsor code, we use Facebook, and we add the postcards you sent us into customers bags.”
Matt’s excited about how quickly teams are adopting the app and the feedback he’s getting.
“We have had a ton of positive feedback. I have had coaches and parents stop me in the rink and in my store to thank me for getting this setup.”
With teams now sharing the app with each other, and the Sports Connection Source for Sports teams’ continued messaging, Matt is expecting a lot more growth!
To learn more about our Community Partner Program, reach us at:
Video Overview:
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